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Research Topics

The following tables present each cohort topics with their status



1. Available topic -The topic that is ready to be researched

2. Suspend -Brief proposal has beed approved by the consortium, waiting for a full proposal and EC approval letter

3. Approved -Full proposal with EC approval have been submitted, the consortium assigned the CEB data sharing coordinator and working team

4. Data collection/ preparation -This step includes data collection or retrieval, processing, and preparation

5. Data analysis -The data analysis step involves examining, interpreting, and deriving insights from collected data to draw conclusions or make decisions

6. Drafting MS -The result of study has been finalized and manuscripts are drafting

7. MS submitted -Manuscript is submitting to the journals

8. Under review -The submitted manuscript is currently undergoing peer review to assess its quality and suitability for publication

9. Published -The study is published

10. For graduation -The study is finished and used for graduation without published








Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics