The Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships - for the fiscal year 2024 in EXTRA-ROUND is now OPENED!

📌📌 Attention, Please 📌📌

The Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships - for the fiscal year 2024 in EXTRA-ROUND is now OPENED!

🆕Application Deadline 🆕 👉 August 26, 2023

🆕Interview test🆕 👉 To be announced that the Call for EXTRA-ROUND of the Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarships for fiscal year 2024 is open for those who are waiting!

*Please be noted that this opportunity is only for Ramathibodi's undergraduate students in Medicine.*

For an online application, please click

You may also scan the QR code as mentioned in the poster for details.

For more information, please don't hesitate to contact the IR office at