InterHospital Dermatology Conference 2015

October 2, 2015                                                   

*  Presented case

1.1*     Ulcer on the face for 1 month
1.2*    Chronic recurrent recalcitrant ulcer for 7 years

2*    Progressive hair loss for 10 years
3*    Chronic pustular lesions after filler for 7 months
4*    Palpable purpura for 5 days
5.1*    A painless woody plaque for 2 months
5.2*    Painless enlargement nasal dorsum for 6 months

6    Painful indurated plaque on back for 1 year
7    Linear tender nodules on left arm for 2 months
8    Rectangular alopecia for 2 weeks
9    Linear and annular hair loss for 5 years
10    Itchy scalp for 1 year
11    Multiple papules in a girl for 2 months
12    Multiple tense bullae in childhood for 1 month
13    Whole body rash for 3 days
14.1    Chronic swollen lip for 1 year
14.2    Chronic swollen lip and fissured tongue for 4 months
15    A flesh-colored nodule on umbilicus
16    Rash on face and ear for 1 year
17    Pruritic papules on cheek for 1 month
18    A red nodule on upper lip for 2 months
19    Reticulate hyperpigmented plaques on chest for 7 years
20    Hyperpigmented skin lesions since birth
21    Multiple annular hyperpigmented plaques for 2 years
22    Multiple tender mass and fever for 1 month
23    Generalized sclerotic plaques for 1 month
24    Red plaques on the face for 2 years
25    Plaques on chronic stasis foot for 4 years

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